Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Money money money!

Edit: April 22
Ok, NOW the transfer is official. COM to CAS.
Why phojo to psych?
I love photography. I love shooting people, things, whatever. I love doing it for myself and for others. I just don't think I want to do the complete candid, not as artsy shots. To me, photojournalism is all with newspapers, magazines, and that kind of media. What I want to do is take pictures for people to please them, to put on display, to keep in their house or office, and that's not exactly what phojo offers. Also--I can pursue photography on my own. I have a business at home, I have people to shoot, and will eventually get my website up and running (it just might take a while!). Also, trying to be pre-med AND get all the COM classes in, all in three years, would be a big struggle. It's easier this way. And, there's a lot of writing for the journalism program in general, whether it be phojo or print jo or whatever (I mean...duh, it IS journalism) and I am not a very good writer. No, scratch that. I'm a crappy writer. So...yes...better this way. I can just analyze people instead and then take their picture...then cut them up ;)

A little over a month until first paycheck. That means, I will have my money to buy this.

It's funny how expensive lenses are. I mean, you can buy a body of a camera (the actual camera) for a few hundred dollars, and then the lenses. Oh, the one I really want, nearly the same as the one on the left, but Nikon...$5,500. Ridiculous. That's more money than I've ever made in my life! Or close to anyway.

Cheap alternatives are fine. I do have a semi-fisheye that works perfectly that I got for $40.  It's good. Offbrands aren't all so bad!

Anyway. New photos up on Flickr: The Marathon, Turn off the Lights (an experiment in the bathroom), and the meet at UConn. Check 'em out. Please, enjoy!



Friday, April 17, 2009

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

By golly, George, would you look at that!


I sit. I wait. I wait some more. I shoot. 
Capturing the perfect picture takes patience, dedication, and of course, a steady hand.
I began to love photography when I was in the 7th grade...or maybe earlier? Who knows. Since then, I've been practicing, shooting, shooting some more, wrecking roll after roll of film, playing around in the dark room, buying expensive equipment, and trying my talent in different fashions. 
I recently rediscovered all of my pictures from the past few years...as well as rediscovered my Flickr account that I've had for a while now. 
Until last week, I was a registered COM student majoring in photojournalism. I realized that 1. I don't need to get a degree to do what I love (at least when it comes to photography...other things...surgeon things....a degree may be required by law). 2. It's just as easy to go out and find something interesting, fascinating, wonderful to capture on your own as it is to do it for an assignment. 
 Sure, I miss Malone's weekly assignments, but after 3 years with him, I have some idea of how to be creative on my own!

Anyway. This is short. That's fine.

fisheye ab
Happy Birthday, King Philip III

And, if you missed the link above, go see my flickr here :)

Photo to-do list. Some can be completed here, some--not so much.

1. Shoot words using different photographs for each letter

2. illuminate and object in the dark with light from a small light....long shutter, small aperature

3. shoot smoke..black backdrop, hand held flash from below

4. stars--long long long shutter

5. moon-iso 100, aperature f/22

6. pitch black, open shutter and use glow stick to light up something and to draw names and shapes in midair 

7. Meg and Justin couple's shoot

8. Step-brother's senior portraits

9. Find a new location at home to shoot at....that's just as cool as loose park!