Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Money money money!

Edit: April 22
Ok, NOW the transfer is official. COM to CAS.
Why phojo to psych?
I love photography. I love shooting people, things, whatever. I love doing it for myself and for others. I just don't think I want to do the complete candid, not as artsy shots. To me, photojournalism is all with newspapers, magazines, and that kind of media. What I want to do is take pictures for people to please them, to put on display, to keep in their house or office, and that's not exactly what phojo offers. Also--I can pursue photography on my own. I have a business at home, I have people to shoot, and will eventually get my website up and running (it just might take a while!). Also, trying to be pre-med AND get all the COM classes in, all in three years, would be a big struggle. It's easier this way. And, there's a lot of writing for the journalism program in general, whether it be phojo or print jo or whatever (I mean...duh, it IS journalism) and I am not a very good writer. No, scratch that. I'm a crappy writer. So...yes...better this way. I can just analyze people instead and then take their picture...then cut them up ;)

A little over a month until first paycheck. That means, I will have my money to buy this.

It's funny how expensive lenses are. I mean, you can buy a body of a camera (the actual camera) for a few hundred dollars, and then the lenses. Oh, the one I really want, nearly the same as the one on the left, but Nikon...$5,500. Ridiculous. That's more money than I've ever made in my life! Or close to anyway.

Cheap alternatives are fine. I do have a semi-fisheye that works perfectly that I got for $40.  It's good. Offbrands aren't all so bad!

Anyway. New photos up on Flickr: The Marathon, Turn off the Lights (an experiment in the bathroom), and the meet at UConn. Check 'em out. Please, enjoy!




  1. Congrats on deciding to switch over, although I do think your photography talent is worthy of being shared with people through mass media.

  2. darling, i LOVE that last shot. lovelovelovelove.

    you should enter it in something.
