Monday, August 3, 2009

All was golden when the day met the night

Hello again!
Life. Life is interesting. I've started surg tech school, and it's incredible. I know all about the respiratory system, loading and unloading scalpels, suture, and passing instruments, as well as the ins and outs of otorhinolaryngology (if you can tell me what that is without googling it, I'll be very, very happy). Onto the endocrine system this week!
Lifeguarding is almost over, Friday is the last day Young's is open, and then I'm working a total of 3 days in August and September.
I'm now a staff photojournalist for the Campus Ledger, JCCC's newspaper, and I've gotten my first assignments for this issue. I'm also now in charge of the Cav Confessions: staff and students' answers to those questions you're not so keen on talking about!
JCCC starts in 2 weeks, and I'm taking BIO 135 and Chem II, for a total of a whopping 25 hours this semester (that's Wright as well as JCCC).

Enough of that.

I would really love to go to Seattle.
The founding location of Starbucks, the Space needle, etc. I've never been to West coast except for California, and let's get real, that's not REALLY all west coast. It's like only having been to NYC...not the real deal exactly.
I want to experience life up there....outside of Seattle even would be great. Windy roads, greenery everywhere, mountains, etc.

Yes, okay, that's all for now. Kind of lame blog...but it's late...I'll write more soon about something interesting!

Ciao, Bye

1 comment:

  1. Medicine involving the nose, nasal cavity, and throat. Legit guess.
