Thursday, March 5, 2009

Weeding the So-Called Pre-medical Garden

Apparently Chem 101 is a weed-out class. I mean, you know that going in, and you know that not EVERY person who dreams of becoming 'a world renowned surgeon' or 'the next big break in cancer cures' cannot actually go through with that dream. But seriously? SERIOUSLY? Just because everybody cannot succeed doesn't mean you should put questions on the exams that you've not covered until the lecture AFTER the exam... seriously? TRYING to make everyone fail. SERIOUSLY?

AND the not telling us our grade until the very end. Not knowing how we're doing. We could have an A- or a D, and nobody would ever know until the very end of the semester. That's screwed up. >:O

See, I've had a dream since the 8th grade that I will become a surgeon, help people, and sail around the world doing pro-bono stuff for those who need it. I used to love chemistry. I took Honors and then AP in high school, was the one showing everyone else what to do, and was 1 out of 3 people who actually went into the AP test (granted, I didn't do so hot...but that's a different story). Then comes big bad university chemistry. Which is the same stuff I learned 2 and 3 years ago, just in much more confusing theorist jargon. There are concepts which I understood perfectly until I got here. Then, the long, drawn out explanations just screw the hell out of my already set schemas about said concepts. Seriously.

And this is the beginning, though after CH101 I'm guessing it gets better. But maybe this is what happens when we have a theorist teach instead of a non-theorist (or whatever the opposite is). Don't get me wrong though, this specific professor is kind, quirky, hilarious, and does get the point across half the time.

Whatever. The point is: why not weed out later? Why squish the dreams of the hopeful freshman so early in their college career? Why make them worry about whether or not they can even handle college itself, just because of an intro to chemistry course? Please, pre-medical gods, be kinder to those who wish to save the world, one person at a time.

Side note:
Spring break is quickly approaching--1 day, 16 hours and 51 minutes remain until our flight sets off...then it's smooth sailing, beach, margaritas, sun, and not caring about a thing.

At that, I shall conclude.
Please keep calling upon the pre-medical gods with me to help save my career!

-The Kansan.

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